How to detect errors in Excel - Auditor
Auditing a Excel Spreadsheet is very difficult.
Most of the time, those spreadsheets are prepared by clients.
Why Auditing a spreadsheet is difficult?
Spreadsheet formulas contains different kinds of errors like #REF, #Name, #DIV, circular references etc.
Navigating these errors is very difficult. We need to go sheet by sheet and trace them.
In case of circular references, you can only see one circualr reference at a time.
Sometimes, you add literal numbers inside formulas like +100 or -200 etc, without any explantion for whatever reasons.
These literal numbers are also known as cheat numbers. Knowing why they have been added is vey difficult, as they don't have any explanation.
What if:
If you can get all errors inside workbook with just one click!
If you can list all circular references at a time instead of one by one.
If you can get all literal numbers/ cheat numbers in formulas with just one click wherever they are.
Auditor makes easy tracing and navigating erors in formulas easy
Auditor is like a spell checker for formulas
Use ExcelWorld.com Add-In, save precious time and avoid costly errors.
Please watch below video to see Auditor in action.
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